Environmental Information

How does ALDOT provide an environmentally-sound transportation system?

ALDOT facilitates and participates in important activities aiming to preserve and enhance Alabama’s natural and cultural resources.

ALDOT offices coordinate with each other to perform and support ALDOT’s wide variety of environmentally-beneficial activities successfully.

“While providing a safe, efficient, economically-sound, and environmentally-sound transportation system, it is the policy of the Alabama Department of Transportation to promote the preservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural resources of the State of Alabama

through internal and external communication, coordination, and cooperation and
by integrating the principles of environmental stewardship, innovation, and compliance into the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of Alabama’s transportation facilities.”

Specific ALDOT activities motivated by the ALDOT environmental policy include:

reducing litter on ALDOT roadways,
controlling erosion and sediment on ALDOT construction sites and completed roadways,
applying herbicides efficiently and in ways that promote beneficial vegetation on ALDOT property,
reducing the environmental impact of treating ALDOT roads for snow and ice,
storing and handling chemicals and waste materials safely at ALDOT facilities,
conducting environmental assessments of planned ALDOT roadway project sites,
implementing “low-impact development” and “green infrastructure” practices appropriately in the development of ALDOT facilities,
investigating possible environmental issues discovered on ALDOT property, and
educating the professional community as well as the general public regarding the prevention of and solutions to environmental issues.

We invite citizens to share with us possible environmental issues they observe or general concerns they have about ALDOT environmental activities. We especially encourage citizens to report the following:

Excessive litter
Spill or leak of a chemical or some other material
Illegal dumping / improper disposal of waste material
Anything strange in the water, near the water, or about the water at some location (odor, color, cloudiness, suds, oily sheen, growth of algae, dead fish, etc.)
Sign of sewage overflow/leak (toilet paper, etc.)
Dead or dying grass/vegetation
Intrusive vegetation growth
Significant erosion
Concern about an ALDOT construction activity
Clogged drain, pipe, or culvert
Flooding or flooding concern
Water (flowing or standing) in a ditch during an extended dry-weather period
Anything that may harm the environment and/or negatively impact the health or well-being of the public

Please complete our online environmental concern submission form to share your concern.

Don't Litter Sign

ALDOT signs remind citizens as they travel on Alabama’s highways to “Keep Alabama the Beautiful” by not littering. ALDOT’s rest areas and welcome centers have convenient receptacles where motorists can properly dispose of trash. Also, ALDOT, in partnership with the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency and other organizations, produces public service announcements (like this video) reminding citizens that “trash costs cash.” That is, littering can mean large fines for motorists.

In addition to our own anti-litter activities, ALDOT supports programs that bring the citizens of Alabama together to prevent and pick up litter in their communities. We encourage citizens to learn about these programs and see how they can get involved:

Alabama People Against a Littered State (PALS)
Keep Alabama Beautiful

ALDOT forms community outreach groups to involve citizens throughout the planning, design, and construction processes for projects that call for special attention. Here are some noteworthy community outreach groups:

Birmingham Northern Beltline
Coliseum Boulevard Plume (Montgomery)

Public involvement meetings provide means for citizens to voice their thoughts and concerns, including those related to environmental issues, about planned ALDOT roadway projects. A list of current projects along with their scheduled public involvement meetings can be found on the Environmental Permitting & Planning page. For further information about opportunities to participate in public involvement meetings, please email Natasha Clay at clayn@dot.state.al.us or call (334)242-6315.

ALDOT’s environmental and stormwater management activities are spread over multiple specialized programs, which are implemented by various ALDOT offices usually working in coordination with other ALDOT offices. To find information about a specific environmental / stormwater management program, click on the appropriate link below:

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program
Environmental Planning & Permitting
Stormwater Permitting & Design
Construction Stormwater Management
Roadway Maintenance Environmental Oversight
Support Facility Environmental Procedures

To learn more about ALDOT’s environmental activities, or for assistance in finding environmental information, please email Dr Scott Rogers, PE, CPMSM, Environmental Coordination Engineer at rogerssc@dot.state.al.us or call (334) 353-6214.